Health Care Services At Home



Care N Cure 24 provides 24X7 services to all emergency patients reporting to Emergency services. It is managed by doctors and nurses well versed in providing emergency care.It is committed to provide round the clock high standard care to the patients in a clean environment. It caters to patients of all ages who require emergency care. It involves well-trained doctors and nurses who are dedicated to their profession.

Emergency departments (EDs) play an important public health role during emergencies and on a regular basis by providing access to emergency care to all patients regardless of their ability to pay. Although the original intent of EDs was to provide emergency care, this role has expanded, as patients often seek care in an ED when services are unavailable or inaccessible in the community. India's law guarantees access to emergency services under the Emergency Medical Treatment, which requires that hospitals or clinic screen all patients who enter their ED. ED use reflects the health needs of the surrounding community and the gaps in care available because EDs provide care to those with few alternate options.

To help us assess your condition, please tell us about:

  • Any past history health problem you have?
  • All supportive drugs and treatments documents related to your past/present medical history.
  • Are you allergic to anything?
  • Any recent visits overseas or infected by some viruses?
  • Any other thing which you would want to tell us.
“Care N Cure 24 also provide various Healthcare services at-home. To get our at-home healthcare services fill the form or contact us directly.”

Please feel free to contact us if you have any query related to your health, medication or further management. Several days after your visit, you may receive a call from the concerned department to take a feedback or note of the post-treatment health condition. Your care and satisfaction is our prior concern.

Emergency Service: For attending to any emergency service, at any time please call:

Emergency Services call us:+91-97-110-70-800

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